Yash's connections
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David Hason
Senior blockchain engineer with a passion for creating reliable and perfect projects. Also responsible for backend development with Ruby on Rails. The quality of performed work is the first place for me. Creative thinking and continuous learning with a commitment to staying updated with the latest technologies is my greatest strength. If you need any Ethereum or Solana projects done professionally that will attract customers, you are in the right place! Also, don't hesitate to inquire about any other projects.
Strong social presence 🧊🧊🧊
We are Anemale Join us on Hypersub https://hypersub.withfabric.xyz/s/dimensional-program-nbyajavonnr4
working on /music
ernestkou @ GC
building galacticcrew.co - organic growth for consumer crypto // prev cofounded in gaming // transhumanist & explorer
Callum Wanderloots
wanderloots.eth IP lawyer & Patent Agent Photographer, Animator, Videographer
Mixing identity and math at Icebreaker.
Whatever your decentralized, open, borderless, neutral, censorship-resistant blockchain question, the answer is YES... to Crypto! 🎩
percs.app 🔗 Growth Hacking 🚀 Web3 Marketing 💻 Behavioral economics 📚 Fitness 🏋🏻♂️ Food 🍕
Community at PERCS Creator with 500k+ followers in Web2, now focusing on the Web that matters.
Chilean guy doing community things for Web3
building /automod (channel bots), /glass (no code frames) • divide.cash • uncurated.xyz • prev @manifoldxyz, twilio
Cabin.City • FarCon • Vibe.Camp • LBRY.com
Garrett (gskrovina.eth)
Head of Crypto @ Lazer Technologies // Ex: CoinDesk, Roc Nation // Onchain Explorer, Builder and Entrepreneur stay curious :)
Alan Snyder
Data enthusiast, Mechanically-inclined, farmer wanna-be, Icebreaker.
Principal Director | Emerging tech, anything onchain, memes | Builder, tinkerer | ↑ Higher Ambassador | bwilde.eth | c3.ai
Jack Dillé
designer artist dj • j4ck.eth
Base Drop, by Icebreaker
Free claim. Ends Dec, 7 2023 at 11:59pm PT.